zaterdag 14 juli 2012

(Sung in the form of an Anglican chant)

The Highway Code part one, the road user on foot, walking alone
Where there is a pavement or adequate footpath, use it
On a pavement or footpath
Do not walk next to the kerb with your back to the traffic
Do not step into the road without first looking
Where there is no adequate footpath
Walk on the right of the road to face oncoming traffic
Do not loiter in the roadway or walk along cycle tracks
A marching body on the road should keep on the left-hand side
It should have look-outs at suitable distances at the front and rear
And at night they should carry lights
White at the front of the column and red at the rear

Always use subways, footbridges, pedestrian crossings or central
refuges when provided
Otherwise, cross where you have a clear view of the road both ways
Take extra care if your view is limited
By stationary vehicles or other obstruc-cions
Before you cross, stop at the kerb
Look right, look left, and right again
Do not cross until the road is clear
Then cross at right-angles, keeping a careful lookout all the time

When you have stepped off the kerb onto a Zebra Crossing
Which must have black and white stripes, studs and ligh-ted beacons
You have the right-of-way
But allow approaching vehicles ample time to give way
Especially if the road is wet or icy
When crossing the road at junctions
Lookout for vehicles turning the corner
Do not cross the road, either at a Zebra Crossing or elsewhere
Against a signal to stop by a Police Officer controlling traffic

Do not get on or off a bus or tram while it is moving
Or when it is not at a recogni-zed stopping place
Do not step out suddenly from behind a stationary or slowly moving
bus or tram
If you want to get on one at a request stop
Give a clear signal for it to stop
And do not step into the road until it has stop-ped

Prepare-red by the Ministry Of Transport And Civil Avia-cion
And the Central Office Of Informa-cion
The Mastersingers – 1966

vrijdag 13 juli 2012


The Weather forecast
(sung in the form of an Anglican chant)
Good morning, here is the Weather Forecast
For today until midnight
First the general situa-cion
A ridge of high pressure over the Azores is moving slowly northeast
And will begin to affect southwestern districts of the British Isles
by late evening

The cold front now affecting south-east districts
Will gradu-ally move north
Fog has develo-ped overnight in much of England and parts of Wales
In some districts it is rather dense
This will lift and clear by mid-morning almost everywhere
And the rest of the day will be fine with unbroken sunshine

And now, here is the Shipping Forecast for the next twenty-four hours
Viking, Forties, Cromarty, Forth, Tyne, Dogger, Fisher, German Bight, Humber, Thames, Dover, White, Portland, Plymouth, Biscay, Finistere, Sole, Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea, Shannon, Rockall, Malin, Hebrides, Bailey, Fair Isle, Faeroes, South East Iceland
Will continue to be affected by weather for several days

Now the outlook for Wednesday and Thursday
There will be drizzle in the south
And periods of continuous rain are expected later
Intersper-sed with scatter-red showers (Sound of rain)

Northern England, Northern Ireland and Southern Scotland
Will have occasional thunder (Sound of thunder)
Temperatures will fall during the night
And there may be local showers of sleet or snow

Over Central Scotland, temperatures will fall rapidly at dusk
Giving rise to hail and freezing fog
Heavy snowfalls are expected in the north of Scotland
And gale force winds are likely to cause extensive drifting

In the extreme north of Scotland a warm air stream
Will bring torren-cial rain and widespread flooding
(Sounds of wind and rain)
In brief, the weather will be normal for the time of year
The Mastersingers. 1966

donderdag 12 juli 2012


’t Is al weer  veertig jaar…
Juli de twaalfde…
Toen was er feest
Met veel wijn en veel taart.

Nog is er tijd voor een
’t Is toch de dag
dat je ooit hebt verjaard.

Frans Woortmeijer
Uit: Deadline

woensdag 11 juli 2012


De prunus.

Onverwacht en plotseling
stond de prunus deze morgen
weer met tak en stam verborgen
in een wolk van bloeseming,
die zo blank,zo smetloos zuiver
straald'en met de wind bewoog,
dat door mij een stille huiver
van verraste vreugde vloog.

Want nog enkel zwart en strak,
niet gereed nog tot ontluiken,
wist ik in geboomt'en struiken
ieder twijgje,elke tak;
slechts de kruin van d'oude steile
statige kastanjestam
brandde,met doorzichtig ijle
 glanzend groene vlam bij vlam.

En nu plots,in deze nacht,
is de prunus weer ontloken,
overdadig uitgebroken
tot een eindeloze pracht.
- O,ik wist dat het zou komen,
dit onstuimige festijn,
maar ik had niet durven dromen,
dat het zo volmaakt zou zijn!

Garmt Stuiveling.

dinsdag 10 juli 2012

De plantsoen arbeider spreekt

Natuur is voor tevredenen of legen –
Dat heeft – meen ik – de dichter Bloem gezegd,
Maar ik denk dikwijls: vond hij dat nou echt
Of heeft hij welbewust de tijd verzwegen
Waarin de kou weer komt, de gure regen
En zich geen blad meer aan de bomen hecht?
Kwam hij nooit in een najaarsstorm terecht?
Heeft hij nooit eikels op zijn kop gekregen?

Nee, mijn humeur wordt in de herfsttijd slecht.
Als Moedertje Natuur haar kleed aflegt
Staat mij die striptease alle jaren tegen.
Dan liggen er weer blaren allerwegen
En wie mag dan die rotzooi op gaan vegen?
Dat is het lot van de plantsoenenknecht!
Uit: de Hovenier, oktober 2005

maandag 9 juli 2012


In days of old
When knights were bold
And condoms not invented...

They wrapped old socks
Around their cocks,
And babies were prevented.
Diana Gabaldon

zondag 8 juli 2012

De Dagschone, die
slechts een uur bloeit,
verschilt in wezen niet
van de sequoia.
die wel duizend jaar oud wordt.

Dalai Lama
Uit: Patrick I van Roos